Here are the 3d statues and sculptures of mythical Greek Gods and characters from Netflix’s Blood of Zeus anime series, created by me Tsaber /Taregh Saber. First of all, I thank and admire the hard effort the amazing team of Powerhouse Animation Creative has put for us and brought us a great amount of joy and entertainment. Blood of Zeus was a brand new reincarnation of the classic Greek mythology that the fans admired throughout history. I decided to create amazing 3d statue collectibles of the characters from Blood of Zeus. I admired how the mythical gods were portrayed in the anime series yet in some aspects, they were very loyal to the classic version in Homer’s literature. Here I’ll be featuring Greek Gods and characters from the anime series such as Hermes, Apollo, Zeus, Ares, Hades, and more. There will be more Blood of Zeus Figure sculpting displayed on the website soon. Many of my fans have requested for Blood of Zeus toys and Blood of Zeus Actions figures. Those are definitely extremely exciting and highly demanded. However the process is long and complex and it requires the assistance of Powerhouse Animation as well. With that said, I do wish to see the fans owning any blood of Zeus action figure created by me.