Night Elf Statue - Warcraft Collectibles - Tsaber
Hello Everyone,
This is my depiction of a Night Elf Statue inspired by the Warcraft video game franchise. I was always a great fan of the Warcraft games, specifically the classic ones. The world of Warcraft has brought so much joy to the fans, but I feel the new arcs have lost the touch of the rich classic stories. The designs of the characters were such a huge inspiration to me back in the day. The designs were so iconic. Therefore after so many years of practicing, I decided to create a Night elf archer with my own touch.
This project was a great challenge for me which I really enjoyed. I learn many things by overcoming obstacles in every design and every project. I found the pose essential to the design and following that, the flow of cloth and hair. I ended up re-sculpting the hair, since the first attempt didn’t satisfy me.
It took me some time to come up with a great base design for the statue. Bears are iconic and sacred creatures in elf world, therefore I decided to add some bear features to the base. I think the combination of bear and wood element has created a nice combination.
I know that there are still plenty of great Night Elf related ideas, however I’m happy with the result. I know there are many amazing Warcraft statues out there therefore I wanted to create a distinctive Warcraft statue that is loved by the fans of the video-games and novels. Perhaps I’ll continue working on various characters from World of Warcraft and create more Warcraft statues.
You may see the clay renders HERE.
Warcraft’s Influence
As an old fan of Warcraft games, which I began playing the classic Warcarft II, I wanted to recreate an elf figure that fits in the world of Warcraft. Since there are limited Warcraft statues out there, there was a great room for creativity. Yet designing a remarkable elf Figure is necessary to compete with future World of Warcraft collectible statues. I preserved the Elvish design, theme and architecture I’ve seen within the game and implemented them onto the Night Elf statue that it feels authentic while feels like a fan art. I hope I can work on more characters, such as orcs or death knights. Perhaps in future, I can focus on specific major characters such as Arthas, Thrall, Illadin, sylvanas Windrunner.
Night Elf Statue sculpture is created inside Zbrush and it was rendered with Mental Ray inside 3dsmax.
T. Saber

To commission design, illustration, 3D or physical statues, please write your request on the contact page.
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