Making of Apollo Zbrush – Blood of Zeus – Tsaber
Hello Everyone,
Here I’ll show the workflow of how I made Apollo Zbrush bust from Netflix’s original anime series “Blood of Zeus”. I should thank the talented team of Powerhouse Animation Studio that brought us so much joy through their efforts. You may check out the final renders and results of APOLLO here.
I wanted to create Apollo’s bust as fast as I could. As always, I started with simple and rough blocking.

The general design of Apollo is simple but very elegant. I applied a simple rough armor piece and cape. The floating cape is an essential piece. Since Apollo shines and looks glorious, I wanted him to stand out very much like superman. As simple as it might seem, the cape (generally floating fabrics) are challenging since they need to look natural and majestic at the same time.

Since the original armor piece looked very symmetric, it helped me to sculpt the piece much easier. Still, I wanted to make sure the pattern doesn’t look dull and repetitive. It was a bit difficult to think of a design that blends the hard edges and shapes into the rest of the armor.

The hair design was an easy task for me since I had to follow the original design of Apollo. I only had to make sure it looks right from different angles.

I began adding more detail to the hair to create a more realistic and dramatic effect. Unlike Ares Apollo isn’t the symbol of warfare and challenge, so I didn’t add too many veins to his body. I also added thickness to the cape and retouched it a little bit more to create a naturalistic silk look.

Thank you for reading this article and I hope it was useful for you.
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