World of Warcraft - Orc Warrior - Tsaber

Hello everyone,

You can watch the process from the scratch to final HERE, on my YouTube channel.

Today’s session is about illustrating an orc warrior from Warcraft. Since the early days of Warcraft games, I was fan orcs, which later on I kinda switched to Undeads. Still, orcs are favored and loved by many fans. As I mentioned in my previous video, I intend to inspire people to draw and to paint with comfort and have them enjoy their moments while doing any kind of painting. So for that reason, I decided to illustrate an exciting character that I could enjoy painting and not worrying much about perfection. So I grabbed my Wacom tablet and started drawing this orc warrior for about 7 hours, without any previous plans and not knowing what will come out in the end. I sincerely didn’t want to drain myself over detailing or going back and forth on references.

Remember the best teacher is yourself and you need to trust in your potentials and efforts. So enjoy your time drawing and painting what you do and share them with me and everyone else. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to help.


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