American Star Statue - Superhero character- Tsaber

Hello Everyone,

American Star is a female original character created by client and good friend Rusty Barron. American Star is a joyful and powerful young woman who’s still overcoming how to become a ideal superhero. She’s a very interesting character and i wanted to depict the bright side of her.

I’m very glad that colored renders of American Star statue turned out well. My main concern was the base of the statue, since I wanted to tell a story about the character. The sci-fi bomb seems to be drawing great attention of the fans and it looks menacing as well. American Star kinda remind me of Super girl yet more joyful and playful.

You can find all the related information on the original creator and my good friend’s page HERE

American Star full body statue was sculpted in Zbrush and it was rendered with 3Dsmax Mental Ray.


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